In the diverse and demanding world of law enforcement, effective communication is essential. Police officers and dispatchers rely on a system of shorthand known as „10-codes” to convey crucial information quickly and efficiently over the radio. These codes help ensure that critical details are communicated clearly, enabling officers to respond to a wide variety of situations with precision and care. One such code, „10-91c,” is used to signal a situation involving an „Injured animal.” Understanding this code highlights the compassionate side of law enforcement and their role in animal welfare and community safety.

What Does Police Code 10-91c Mean?

The code „10-91c” is used by law enforcement to indicate that they are responding to an incident involving an injured animal. This could involve any domesticated or wild animal that has been hurt, whether as a result of an accident, an attack, or another unfortunate event. When „10-91c” is broadcasted, it signals that officers or animal control units need to take action to assist the injured animal, ensuring it receives the care and attention it needs.

The Importance of Code 10-91c in Law Enforcement

Code „10-91c” plays a vital role in maintaining animal welfare and public safety. Here’s why this code is important:

  1. Protecting Animal Welfare: Responding to an injured animal is an essential part of law enforcement’s broader commitment to community welfare. Whether it’s a pet that has been hit by a car, a stray that’s been attacked by another animal, or wildlife that has been injured, the use of „10-91c” ensures that the animal receives prompt attention. Officers may provide immediate care, contact a veterinarian, or coordinate with animal control to transport the animal to a shelter or clinic.
  2. Promoting Public Safety: An injured animal can pose a risk to public safety, particularly if it’s frightened, in pain, or disoriented. Such animals might react unpredictably, potentially endangering themselves, people, or other animals. By responding to „10-91c” calls, officers help to secure the area, prevent further harm, and manage the situation in a way that protects both the animal and the public.
  3. Demonstrating Compassion and Community Care: The way law enforcement handles situations involving injured animals can significantly impact public perception and trust. By responding promptly and compassionately to „10-91c” calls, officers show that they care about all aspects of community welfare, including the well-being of animals. This fosters a positive relationship between law enforcement and the community, reinforcing the idea that police are there to help in all kinds of situations.
  4. Coordinating with Animal Control and Rescue Services: In many „10-91c” situations, law enforcement works closely with animal control officers, wildlife rescue organizations, or local veterinarians. The use of „10-91c” helps coordinate these efforts, ensuring that the injured animal receives the appropriate care and that the response is handled professionally and efficiently.

When Is Code 10-91c Used?

The application of „10-91c” is specific to incidents involving injured animals and is commonly used in the following scenarios:

  • Injured Pets: When a pet, such as a dog or cat, is injured—often as a result of being hit by a car, attacked by another animal, or accidentally hurt—officers respond using „10-91c.” Their role may involve securing the scene, providing initial care, and ensuring the animal is transported to a vet for treatment.
  • Injured Wildlife: Law enforcement may also use „10-91c” when dealing with injured wildlife, such as a deer struck by a vehicle or a bird injured by a collision. In these cases, officers coordinate with wildlife rescue services to safely capture and care for the animal.
  • Animal Cruelty Cases: In situations where an animal has been injured due to cruelty or neglect, „10-91c” might be used as part of the investigation. Officers respond to ensure the animal receives medical care and that any potential legal action against the responsible parties is pursued.


Police code „10-91c,” which refers to an „Animal – injured,” is an important part of law enforcement’s commitment to community safety and welfare. By responding to these calls, officers ensure that injured animals receive the care they need while also protecting the public from potential risks associated with distressed animals.

Understanding these 10-codes provides valuable insight into the diverse responsibilities of police officers, who are tasked with addressing a wide range of issues beyond traditional crime. The next time you hear a reference to „10-91c,” you’ll know that it’s a call to action for officers to assist an animal in need, ensuring that it receives the compassion and care it deserves.

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